Emergency Notifications

LabAlert For Mobile Devices

LabAlert provides timely emergency alerts to the Lab community via email, telephone, and text message on Lab-issued or private cellular telephones. 

As an employee of LBNL your work contact information is entered automatically into LabAlert. You can also receive notifications on your personal mobile device for potential laboratory closures, general emergency information, or potential impacts to the building you reside in. 


LabAlert FAQs

Calling 9-1-1 From the Lab

If you call 911 from the main Lab location, the call will go to the UC Berkeley Police Department, and the appropriate emergency response -- medical, fire, or police -- will be dispatched to the Lab location. 

If you call x6999 from a Lab phone, or 510-486-6999 from a mobile or non-Lab phone, the call goes to the Lab’s Site Operations Center or SOC which is staffed 24 hours a day. The call is triaged for an appropriate response. 

If you are offsite, a 911 call will go to the appropriate local public safety agency. If you do call 911 from an offsite location, please follow-up with a call to 510-486-6999 to activate the Lab's emergency response system.