Berkeley Lab SIteS Status


Jan. 27 at 3 p.m.

A power disruption at the Lab’s hill site occurred at 2:30 p.m. on Sunday, Jan. 26. PG&E said the disruption, which lasted a fraction of a second, was caused by a glitch in the upstream power transmission system, which affected a large area around the Bay.

While Lab operations were not significantly affected, Site Operations Center staff and Plant Maintenance Technicians investigated and addressed infrastructure alarms throughout the day yesterday.

The power fluctuation may have caused other research systems to reset across the main site. Please check critical systems and report damage or problems immediately to the SOC at (510) 486-6999. 


There are several construction and infrastructure projects underway at the Lab. Click on the map below for details. For complete information, go to

This website was created as part of Berkeley Lab's emergency response plan for local and regional disasters. In the event of any disruption of services, this site will provide a means for Lab employees to communicate with each other and stay informed on the status of lab operations. 

The Emergency Status Information Line is: 1-800-445-5830.